"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give." - Winston Churchill

At Plondo, an Internet marketing group, we have had the fortune to achieve success through sheer hard work, smart decisions, and the blessing of lady luck. During all these years, we have also made sure to donate part of our earnings to several philanthropic causes, most of them related to the welfare of the most unfortunate children in the world. Nevertheless, we never really had a strategy for philanthropy or a central place to manage this social activity. Until now.

Today we are honored and humbled to establish Plondo Foundation, with the sole purpose of helping those in need, especially the most unfortunate children in our community in Louisiana and around the world. By setting up this foundation, we formalize our commitment to make the world a better place and to provide children with the necessary means not only to survive, but to also thrive in what it can sometimes be an unforgiving world.

At Plondo Foundation, we plan to donate 100 percent of the money raised, since we will not be incurring any administrative or overhead costs. The management team, along with the rest of the staff, has pledged to donate the time needed to make this foundation a reality. From our humble beginnings, the team has always felt a sense of gratitude for all the good things that have happened to us. And giving back to the community, and beyond, is our way to say thanks. Understanding that being able to give to others is the best legacy we can leave behind.

From here, in Monroe, a small town in northeast Louisiana, we wish to contribute as much as we possibly can to improve the lives of the least fortunate. And we invite you to be part of something bigger, the needs of the poor children in this community and beyond, so they too can enjoy the basics of life. Every contribution makes a world of difference. Give us a call at (844) 876-2004 , email us at info@plondofoundation.org or just click here to make a donation. We will soon be posting the first stories of those children whose lives we, along with you, will help improve.